I first received emails from Ernie Ross, Board President for Education Congo, five years ago. He wrote this about Dr. Jerry.
“Let me say that I am a great admirer of Jerry. He was a compassionate man, yet pragmatic to the point that might at times seem heartless to Westerners. But, for people who do not know Congo, the choices one sometimes faces are incomprehensible.
Jerry Galloway was a remarkable man; compassionate, courageous in extremely dangerous times, creative in finding solutions for what would seem to be the impossible, and a true pragmatist. To me, he embodied the thoughts expressed in the Serenity Prayer. ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’
In life, there are few people who leave a lasting impression, no matter how brief the encounter is. In my life, Jerry was one of those people. His story needs to be told.”
You can learn more about the work that Education Congo does at https://educationcongo.org