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Finding His Life's Calling

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Mwene-Ditu, Congo. 1974

Zairian French teacher holds class outdoors at the Peace Corps Training Center in Bukavu. All trainees in Zaire are taught French, the official language.

When Jerry joined the Peace Corps in 1974, he insisted that he did not want to be assigned to a missionary hospital. However, Jerry was assigned to a hospital in Mwene-Ditu (Congo) that was run by Canadian Sisters. Jerry did not get along with the Sister responsible for the patients. He did not like the way that she treated the African patients.

After six months, Jerry left and went to a hospital in Kalenda that was run by Africans. There were two Mission hurst priests and a brother at a nearby mission. The Missionhurst missionary group (CICM – Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) was founded in 1862. More than 150 years later, Missionhurst missionaries help serve the poorest of the poor in remote places around the world. They help the people start farm projects, improve nutrition, health and education, as well as support their spiritual development.

Even though Jerry did not want to be part of a mission hospital or be involved with missions, the four men became friends. It was here that Jerry would begin to find his life’s calling.

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