I have personally met Don. I follow his work on Facebook (Don Love More Foster). Don and his wife, Jenya, have been pouring their lives into helping the Mbuti Pygmies in Beni, Congo, for over ten years. I am in awe of their work, and I know Dr. Jerry would be blessed by what they do for the Pygmies.
I am sharing Don's Facebook post from today:
"Olivier and I have malaria again. Jenya and Juliana did not take a test yet. Prisons have no food. I am behind in school fees. We have to drive across Uganda and then through a deadly war zone in Congo. I picked a bad week to quit complaining."
"We have a serious funding gap right now for food for prisons and school fees for Mbuti Pygmies. If you would like to support long-term missionaries, feed starving prisoners, distribute Bibles, buy medicine, pay school fees or buy a house or help our children, you can give online."
Please go to https://www.dunamis.vegas/give/ (Choose LYNA - Don Foster) or PayPal paypal.me/DonLoveMoreFoster or Zelle us at JesusLoverDon@Gmail.com (not tax deductible). Zelle is free and easy to use.
Or send a check made to Dunamis to this NEW address:
% Melissa Prince
11958 Camden Brook Street
Las Vegas, NV 89183
Please keep Don and his family in prayer in all their critical situations.