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Hospital Restoration

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

Kalenda Hospital, Eastern Congo. 1975 to 1977.

Kalenda Hospital (eastern Congo)

Jerry worked in Kalenda as a doctor from 1975-1977. This is a photo of the hospital in Kalenda (eastern Congo). Though the building may look nice, there was very little in the way of hospital furnishings and equipment inside.

Mary Kate Pung, Peace Corps Volunteer, wrote that Jerry worked hard to revive this small town hospital. If any patients had to stay at the hospital, their family members would have to move in and cook for them and give them nursing care.

Mark Robbins, Assistant Peace Corps Director of Health, wrote that the church and government authorities for this hospital were located in Mwene Ditu. The Peace Corps had an excellent and supportive relationship with the government officials and Sisters there. Mark added that a lot of the good will and collaboration was due to Jerry. He had earned the respect and credibility of the people for himself and for the Peace Corps.

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