On Friday, the journey begins! I will be with two other board members of the Friends of IMCK. The Friends of IMCK supports the work of the Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasai (IMCK) in Tshikaji, Democratic Republic of Congo, through an endowment fund. Founded in 1954, IMCK – consisting of the Good Shepherd Hospital, clinics, and nursing schools – provides vital services to the region.
I am excited to meet our friends (doctors, nurses, administrators) there, learn more about current conditions, and view the results of the donations to the IMCK Endowment Fund. The trip's primary purpose is to evaluate the hydroelectric facility. We have four more on the team who will survey and assess the hydro facility and determine the renovations needed.
My special connection to the Congo is the legacy of Dr. Jerry Galloway, who spent 27 years serving the Pygmy people in the rainforest. His life story ("Courage in the Congo") is available on Amazon. Stay tuned for future updates from this trip! And if you'd like to read more about the hydro project, click the link below.