There were times when Dr. Jerry Galloway ("Courage in the Congo") was the only doctor serving 100,000 people in a large health zone in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He saved many lives. Today, in Congo, there is one doctor for every 10,000 people, compared to the US, with 27 doctors for every 10,000.
The Friends of IMCK, which I am honored to be a part of, supports the health care provided by IMCK (Christian Medical Institute of Kasai). IMCK is located in the Kasai region (near where Dr. Jerry served in the Peace Corps) and operates the Good Shepherd Hospital, PAX clinic, and two schools.
Medical care in Congo is desperately needed, so please pray for the medical staff at IMCK to be able to continue their life-saving work.
To learn more about IMCK, please go to
Pictured (I to r) Admin.: Kastin Katawa Ntumba; Gen. Director ISTM: Dr. Joseph Luboya; Medical Director: Dr. Jacques Tshiasuma; Director of IMCK: Dr Jean-Jacques Mulalu