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Path to the Peace Corps

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

1971 to 1974

In January 1971, Jerry became the medical director of a health service program that served 50,000 poor African-Americans in rural South Carolina (Jasper and Beaufort Counties). Jerry wrote that the program director, Thomas Barnwell, had a tremendous impact on his life because of his zeal to help the poor.

Jerry worked as the director until 1974. Jerry’s successor was Dr. Michelle Harrison. Dr. Harrison wrote this about Jerry, “He was a healer with a passion…”.

You can follow Dr. Harrison’s blog at to learn about the amazing work she is doing. Dr. Harrison has a home for orphan girls in Kolkata, India.

Jerry became restless near the end of his term and he wanted to go to Africa. Jerry joined the Peace Corps in 1974. He was sent to the Congo (called Zaire at that time). Once Jerry served there, he developed a love for the Congo that never died.

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