(2003) On Saturday, Father Yves gave a recollection. He talked about his 50 years of professed life. Father Yves, known as the saint of Lake Mai Ndombe, had deep faith rooted in Christ. He admired Saint Paul, the great missionary. All the events made for a very memorable day.
(2006) The following week was the saddest and most emotionally draining week of my life. Brother John came and told me Father Yves had died. I was overcome with sadness and went back to my home. It was unbelievable to think my intimate friend and spiritual director was dead.
Father Yves and I were two of the happiest missionaries in the Kinshasa CICM province. We were of one heart and one soul. We looked forward to working together and preparing two Congolese diocesan priests to take over in July 2008. His thoughts and his heart were in Pendjua. He hoped and prayed to join us again. Now I knew we would not see one another until I joined him in heaven.
To read more excerpts, please visit www.courageinthecongo.com
Fr. Yves traveled to remote villages by bike for weeks at a time.