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The Rapids

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

Muene-Ditu, Congo, 1975

Tony Klaassen (on the left), now a doctor in Washington, and Dr. Jerry Galloway are pictured here (circa 1975) on a Sunday afternoon in the Congo. Jerry appears quite relaxed in his tie-dyed shirt and bell-bottom jeans.

A group of Peace Corps Volunteers from the Muene-Ditu post joined Tony and Jerry on this trip. They were seeking a place called “the rapids” that someone had told them about. Once they arrived, they walked around for a very long time. They began to think that the rapids did not really exist. Suddenly, they came upon a beautiful place next to the water. The rapids were lined with many large boulders. They enjoyed the time to relax and take in the beauty of the river and rain forest.

Thank you to Mary Kate Pung (Peace Corps Volunteer) for sending me this picture and memory.

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